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I'm Devirupa

I was 2.5 years old when my Gran-Ma took me to Bhutan.


Though I don't remember anything, I truly think I've got my travel bug from the beginning.


After 5 years of IT life, I realized, "No! I don't want to spend the rest of my life like this."

I started this website and page to help other people like me to plan their leaves, money, and travel more.

This website is not only a chronicle of my travels experience but also a way for people to find inspiration, travel tips, destination advice, travel news, and beautiful photos.


People always say to me how much they would love to travel like I do, even if it just for a little while.

I'm happy to share. Travel doesn't have to be an expensive task nor does taking a long term trip to require you to uproot your existence.

If you want to travel the world on a budget or to truly get off the beaten track, this is the place for you!

About The Wayward Bong Site

I didn't always plan my destinations and don't know where I'm gonna end up. That's why I came with this name. The Wayward Bong is a truly independent travel site.

Our mission is to inspire and inform people around the globe about places, foods, trips that are budgeted, cultural and filled with fun. We believe traveling is the best way to revive oneself. To know people, to know their culture, to know their food traveling is the key; Key to happiness.

Most posts are by myself, but I also regularly work with guest authors and other wayward travelers. I invite other travelers to share their personal insights and experiences of interesting travel destinations around the world.


Get In Touch

I am always happy to get your remarks or questions.

If you want personalized itinerary advice do not hesitate to write to me. I will try my best to help you out.

You can also check my Travel Guide Page, which has many great sections on how to plan and decide where - when - how to go.

Nevertheless, I always love to help with specific questions about a destination or about traveling in general!

See You Soon :)

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